Articles in Collective books

Bourdin S., Torre A.
Analysing the territorial roots of discontent: between anger and silent protest
in Barbera F., Bell E. (eds), Commons, Citizenship and Power, Bristol University Presss, 246p.

Bourdin S., Torre A., van Leeuwen E.
Introduction: the key role of territories in designing and implementing the circular economy
2024, in Bourdin, S., Torre, A., van Leuween, E. (eds.), Regions, Cities and the Circular Economy: Theory and Practice. Edward Elgar Publishing, 324 p

Torre, A.
Changés par la pandémie ? De linversion à la mutation des proximités pendant et après la crise du COVID
2024, in Gall, C., Gwiazdzinski, L., Kaufmann, V., Torre, A. (eds.), Les Nouvelles Proximités, FYP Editions, 208 p.

Fonseca, B., Torre, A.
A Tale of Two Big Cities Struggling for their Agriculture. Conflict and Oppositions Around Land Farming in the Greater São Paulo and Paris Regions
in Fusco Girard, L., Kourtit, K., Nijkamp, P. (eds.)
2023, The Future of Liveable Cities, Springer, 335p. Cham.

Torre, A., Peiffer-Smadja, O.
Peripheral Retail Expansion: Social Implications and Spatial Inequalities. The Case of the Île-de-France Region
in Vaz, E. (ed.)
2023, Geography of Happiness. Contributions to Regional Science, Springer, Cham.

Torre, A., Wallet, F.
Innovative Governance and Participatory Research for Agriculture in Territorial Development Processes: Lessons from a Collaborative Research Program (PSDR)
In Rizzo, D., Marraccini, E., Lardon, S. (eds.)
2022, Landscape Agronomy, Springer, Cham.

Torre A., Gallaud D.
Introduction: proximity relations in the 21st Century
In Torre A., Gallaud D. (eds.)
2022, Handbook of Proximity relations, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 496p.

Zimmermann J.B., Torre A., Grossetti M.
The French School of Proximity: genesis and evolution of a school of thought
In Torre A., Gallaud D. (eds.)
2022, Handbook of Proximity relations, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 496p.

Filippi M., Torre A., Polge E., Wallet F.
The school of proximity, genesis and development of a scientific notion
In Torre A., Gallaud D. (eds.)
2022, Handbook of Proximity relations, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 496p.

Bourdeau-Lepage L., Torre A.
Proximity and agglomeration, two understanding keys of city
in Glaeser E., Kourtit K., Nijkamp P. (eds.)
2020, Urban Empires. Cities as Global Rulers in the New Urban World, Routledge, 444p.

Torre A.
La pandémie à lheure des proximités
in Hirsch E. (ed.)
2020, Pandémie 2020. Éthique, Société, Politique, Editions du Cerf, Paris, 868 p.

Torre A.
Les proximités dans la pandémie du Covid-19
in Dron M., Kim-Bonbled Ph.(eds.)
2020, Covid-19 et agriculture : Une opportunité pour la transition agricole et alimentaire ?, Presses des Mines, Paris, 358p.

Ollivier C., Darly S., Torre A.
Artificialisation des sols et activité agricole en Europe (1990-2012)
in Pouzenc M., Charlery de la Masselière B. (eds.)
2020, Etudier les ruralités contemporaines,, Presses Universitaires du Midi, Toulouse, 425p.

Torre A., Wallet F.
Rural Development Policies at Stake: Structural Changes and Target Evolutions during the Last 50 Years
In: Fischer M., Nijkamp P. (eds)
2020, Handbook of Regional Science., Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Sabir M., Torre A.
Infrastructural Projects and Land Use Conflicts in Developing and Developed Countries: A Study Based on Comparative Review of Literature and Different Case Studies
in Vaz, E. (ed.)
Mars 2020, Regional Intelligence,, Springer Nature, Switzerland.