Andre Torre publication

Bourdeau-Lepage L., Torre A.

Proximity and agglomeration, two understanding keys of city

in Glaeser E., Kourtit K., Nijkamp P. (eds.)

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2020, Urban Empires. Cities as Global Rulers in the New Urban World, Routledge, 444p.

Andre Torre publication

Torre A.

Les proximités dans la pandémie du Covid-19

in M. Dron, et Ph. Kim-Bonbled

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2020, Covid-19 et agriculture : Une opportunité pour la transition agricole et alimentaire ?, Presses des Mines, Paris, 358p.

Andre Torre publication

Ollivier C., Darly S., Torre A.

Artificialisation des sols et activité agricole en Europe (1990-2012)

in Pouzenc M. et Charlery de la Masselière B. (eds.),

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2020, Etudier les ruralités contemporaines,, Presses Universitaires du Midi, Toulouse, 425p.

Andre Torre publication

Torre A., Wallet F.

Rural Development Policies at Stake: Structural Changes and Target Evolutions during the Last 50 Years

In: Fischer M., Nijkamp P. (eds)

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2020, Handbook of Regional Science., Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Andre Torre publication

Sabir M., Torre A.

Infrastructural Projects and Land Use Conflicts in Developing and Developed Countries: A Study Based on Comparative Review of Literature and Different Case Studies

in E. Vaz (ed.)

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Mars 2020, Regional Intelligence,, Springer Nature, Switzerland.

Andre Torre publication

Torre A.

Relations de production et gouvernance aux origines des processus de développement des territoires

in Bresson M., Cartier-Bresson J., Hirschhorn M. (eds.)

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2019, Sociologues et économistes face à la demande de savoirs,, MSH Paris-Saclay éditions, Paris, 288p.

Andre Torre publication

Torre A., Wallet F.

Highlighting smart development patterns in rural areas. Some proposals

in Nijkamp P., Kourtit K., Kocornik-Mina A. (eds)

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2019, Sustainable villages and Green Landscapes in the “New Urban World”, Shaker Publishing, Maastricht, 264p.

Andre Torre publication

Torre A.

Territorial development and proximity relationships

in Capello R. and Nijkamp P. (eds.)

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2019, Handbook of Regional and Development Theories, 2nd edition, 2nd edition, Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham, 674 p.

Andre Torre publication

Torre A.

Le ricerche francesi sulle dimensioni territoriali e produttive: Becattini ci ha salvati!

in Bellandi M., Biagi B., Faggian A., Marrocu E., Usai S. (eds.)

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2018, Regional development trajectories beyond the crisis, Franco Angeli, Milan, 428p

Andre Torre publication

Rallet A. Torre A.

Geography of innovation, proximity and beyond

in Bathelt H., Cohendet P., Henn S., Simon L. (eds.)

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2017, The Elgar Companion to Innovation and Knowledge Creation, Edward Elgar Publishing, 840p.

Andre Torre publication

Sabir M., Torre A.

Different proximities and conflicts related to the setting of big infrastructures. The case of Diamer Basha Dam in Pakistan,

in Bandyopadhyay S., Torre A., Casaca P., Dentinho T. (eds.),

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2017, Regional Cooperation in South Asia. Socio-economic, Spatial, Ecological and Institutional Aspects, Springer, 363 p.

Andre Torre publication

Torre A.

La proximité territoriale au cœur des dynamiques de développement des territoires

in Glon E., Pecqueur B. (eds.)

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2016,, Au cœur des territoires créatifs, Proximités et ressources territoriales,, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Rennes, 295 p.

Andre Torre publication

Torre A., Vollet D.

Aux fondements du développement territorial

in Torre A., Vollet D. (eds)

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2016, Partenariats pour le développement territorial, Éditions Quæ, Collection « Update Sciences & technologies », 256 p.

Andre Torre publication

Torre A., Bourdin S.

Contributions de la recherche au débat sur la réforme des Régions

In Torre A., Bourdin S. (eds)

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2015, Big Bang Territorial. La réforme des Régions en débat,, Armand Colin, Paris, 234 p. (ebook)

Andre Torre publication

Magsi H., Torre A.

Land use conflicts and human development nexus: proximity analysis

in Giri A.K. (ed.),

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2015, New Horizons of Human Development,, Studera Press, Delhi.